Netdiver Mag

/ Surfacing the creative culture
since '98

Type foundries

Who wants fonts? As a designer – always on the lookout for fresh new ones. Help yourself.

/ A2-Type

/ Fontdiner

/ Fontshop

/ Hoefler & Co

/ House Industries

/ LettError

/ MyFonts

/ Our Type

/ P22

/ Process Type Foundry

/ Psy/Ops

/ Typekit

/ Typodermic

/ Typotheque

/ You Work for Them


/ The Typographic Circle

Check out this volunteer-led organisation that brings together anyone with an interest in design and typography. Formed in 1976, they stage a variety of design related monthly lectures by well-known industry speakers.


and the mouthfully handy mockup text:

/ Cupcake Ipsum

Tired of how boring lorem ipsum got? Chocolate bar caramels lemon drops jujubes apple pie chupa chups soufflé icing. Sweet!

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