Waabm / in progress
Showing early sketches of Waabm album covers. New mixdowns aka tracks in progress uploaded – ranging from pop, jazzy to chill and ambient – either songs or just instrumental.
Changing our upcoming debut album tracks:
Always Mxdn – 04 -> Everyone wants an always lasting love.
Paradise Mxdn – 09 -> Just found you – don’t wake me – I want to stay in paradise.
010_experiments album tracks:
Wow -> Remix written with samples + synth sounds from Nano Studio – Mobile app.
07 Attitude -> Produced during a lunch break as part as a test on Cubase 7 AI – Inspired by Zero 7.
Night Groove -> Cubasis for iPad study #1. Guitar through Amplitube.
It’s About Time album track:
Listen Boy – Mxdn – 05 -> Originally released in our wedding album. Still rocking it today.