Netdiver Mag

/ Surfacing the creative culture
since '98

New Clues *121

New Clues manifesto by two Cluetrain authors, Doc Searls and David Weinberger.

This is a long read article – be you a newbie or seasoned internet dweller – it’s a must. Set quality time aside.


Hear, O Internet.

The Net is of us, by us, and for us.

The Internet is ours.

Caring — mattering — is the motive force of the Internet.

Every link by a person with something to say is an act of generosity, an act of selflessness, bidding our readers leave our page to see how the world looks to someone else.

Personal is human. Personalized isn’t.

Every new page makes the Web bigger. Every new link makes the Web richer.

Hackers got us into this and hackers will have to get us out.

Live the values you want the Internet to promote.

The gravity of connection is love.

Long live the open Internet.

Long may we have our Internet to love.


The Cluetrain Manifesto by Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, David Weinberger.


The Cluetrain Manifesto roared into the Web’s consciousness in 1999. Appearing first as a website, quickly followed by the book, the Manifesto proclaimed an end of business as usual.

The authors, four Internet experts, led readers through the new reality of the networked marketplace with their 95 Theses, including the first one—startling in its simplicity and truth: Markets are conversations.


ndlr: I am proud to be part of the early pioneers / activists / theorists / adopters (and signees) and even prouder – to keep dreaming + building this connected world of ours.

The Internet prime directive = communicate + exchange + collaborate.

Be brave. Be true.

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