Netdiver Mag

/ Surfacing the creative culture
since '98

Book Cover archive

It is well known that Issue 0 (the first one) is the make or break of a new print magazine — hence named 0. Its survival depending solely on how sales go. Then, there might be a second issue. No guarantee.

The biggest efforts are put into designing a jaw dropping cover. Many Issue 0 become still born magazines. Out there, because of their incredible graphic, visual and technical qualities, although disappeared altogether from market, they resurface and stock avid collectors shelves.

Thus, a cover sells. Most books catch us by first impression, and that is the intent of why a jacket or cover is designed. So here’s a pearl for you: if only for finding instant stimulation, or to appreciate the variety or to proof one of your concepts, hours and hours of browsing awaits in The Book Cover archive.


via: Jason Santa Maria

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