Netdiver Mag

/ Surfacing the creative culture
since '98

Building a (new) beginning

I am currently head over heels in preparing my very first art portfolio and because of iOS way of cataloguing the camera roll – (I work with 3 devices each with its own directory) – I collated new work in individual folders as back up..

Leaving me with a massive task to do: reconciling, sifting and deleting all duplicates.

From 55k down to 10k just for my iPad Pro. Still got 7k+ from iPhone + iPad mini to sort after the 10k are done. View my art feed.

So for now – I am minimizing my editorial activities to a strict minimum.

Netdiver Mag is on hiatus.


Meanwhile – don’t wait – be inspired via podcasts to kickstart your creative or art projects:

40 best creative podcasts to liven up your commute via Sarah McHugh


The Best Art Podcasts to Listen to in Your Studio via Stef Thiele


My Top 5 Favourite Agency Podcasts via Lucy Snell


Must read – sneak peek via .pdf:

Company of OneWhy Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business) by Paul Jarvis

Helps you determine enough (instead endless chasing more).


Top illustration: Source unknown

Terrific UX/UI

Teresa Wójcicka is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Gdansk, Poland. And a terrific UX/UI designer. Love love the Saga Map simplicity.

World Peace?

Need I say more? At least, we’ve got the World Peace logo as a starter – designed by talented Gabriel Benderski.


ndlr: World peace is not a light topic and with the spreading (and far worst) accepted way of life of rifes for riches. It breaks my heart. Not giving up!

/ ps: Wish I had designed it.

I need Sugru

What the heck is Sugru? The world’s first mouldable glue that sets strong, by turning into a durable, flexible silicone rubber.


In a saturated market how do you convey that a product is an innovative – a simply out of this world smart solution (we all need!)??

Animade designed + animated The Fixer’s Manifesto – with funny captions to show what the product is about and drive its uniqueness to consumers.

If it’s broken, fix it!

Give your stuff a longer life

Embrace the stuff we already have.


The Fixer’s Manifesto is free and available for download.


ndlr: Wow oh wow oh wow – I need some creative solutions to hang / fix stuff around the studios – ah! and the Rebel Tech Kit comes with a booklet + a remover tool.

And on sale now!

Chipper Things?

Read Becky Simpson summary of her recent one year creative residency at Adobe whereas she completed her 2nd book and opened her online store: Chipper Things.

It’s important to challenge ourselves so that when we win, we really win.


Affirmative (and funny) captions – that empowers and makes us think.

Netdiver mag is MOVING!

Netdiver mag is MOVING!

Not our iRL studio but to a spanking new zoom-zoom-zoom dedicated server.

The transfer will be done quietly in the background.. hopefully no hiccups.

See ya’ all soon.


14:41 – transfer OK.

via: Illustration by Michael Driver – who submitted this image to the D&AD/Wetransfer brief and found out that he had made the cut and awarded a D&AD pencil in 2015.

Rylee & Cru

Rylee & Cru is a dream kid fashion lines designed and founded by illustrator Kelli Murray and inspired by her own little ones.


Their lookbooks are fantastic!

Search for inspiration and/or talent in Netdiver Mag.

pinterest / medium / linkedin / X / rss

/ Tools we use


Affinity suite

Affinity Suite

Our little studio owned Adobe Master Suites—invoking security issues our perpetual licenses were nulled. Undone? No!

I can open all .pdf, .psd or .ai files in the Affinity apps and the UI/UX is so gorgeous!

See for yourself: test the Affinity suite. Works on all platforms + iPad for—6 MONTHS FREE!



Proton Mail

Proton Mail

Connected to the internet's origins, building the internet of the future. We’re building ways to help everyone fight for privacy online. I am a big fan of their services.

Try a month free!





What a strange name for an independent Internet privacy company. Contrary to G/ who records every instance of their services useage with DDG, no recording of your data, EVER!!!

We use it everyday.



Obsidian app


This private (free) app I use daily for taking notes or writing. Back up to the cloud for multi-devices access. Runs locally.

Deep and complex.



Carole's Instagram

I paint abstract with pretty colours ~ I play with mobile apps to create unique generative art.

Look 'Ma no AI.

feed your eyes



Communication Arts

Communication Arts 24-25—calls for entries.

Interactive — October 25/24
Illustration — Jan 10/25
Photography — March 7/25
Design — May 2/25



Smashing Mag

The Smashing Conferences explore real-life projects, workflows and hands-on insights.

SmashingConf - Antwerp
Upcoming: Oct 28-31/24

SmashingConf - Workshops
Online: check dates.




AIGA call for submissions

AIGA’s competitions celebrate exemplary design and demonstrate the power of effective design.

50 Books | 50 Covers: February 26 / 24

365: AIGA Year in Design February 26 / 24


Alt Summit

Alt Summit 2024.

It is a conference and a community of thousands of women influencers and entrepreneurs in creative fields.

Upcoming: March 17-20 / 24




YouWorkForThem — Good design needs good fonts! YWFT is privately owned and run by designers.

Rocking it since 2001.

/ Highlighted talents


They LUV design! #13

Mind-blowing visual feats and original designs I recently discovered.

Previously: #12 - #11 - #10 - #9 - #8 - #7 - #6 - #5 - #4 - #3 - #2 - #1



They LUV drawing! #3

Illustration is probably the largest creative area to express (mostly without words) a message.

Previously: #1 - #2



A type of Show #5 – I love typography - these projects caught my eye.

Previously: #4 - #3 - #2 - #1



Moodboards #1 – Branding collaterals staged and served with conceptual brilliance.


/ About us?


A little (www) Story. In 1995, JF and I started a little project — Netdiver mag.



Editorials by Carole Guevin

Editorials. Design topics or issues that have impacted me and/or our creative industry. .

Over 50 articles.



Kuvva interview

Kuvva interview

A short interview on how to build a strong portfolio + self-promotion.


Netdiver Mag

#ISSN 1911-866X

Carole Guevin

Carole Guevin is a founder + editor + design curator ∞ culture creator + online pioneer ∞ featuring the creative culture since '98.


No hype — just beautiful

Reach my inbox °


Netdiver review galleries

/ Design inspiration

Netdiver long-standing mini visuals (200 x 115 px) galleries. Each lead to its review. Happy talent discovery!




/ Illustration

Vast array of drawing styles
404 reviews




/ Imaginative

Conceptual designs standing out
358 reviews




/ Industrial

Products / packaging design / spaces +
333 reviews




/ Motion

Brilliant storyboards / motion / vfx
286 reviews




/ Photography

Some of the sharpest eyes shooting today
210 reviews




/ Portfolios

New wave of design / interactive / mobile stars
552 reviews




/ Powagirrrls

Women who rock the design scene with _more_ than pink design
391 reviews

/ Insider info


Visual Brain Gravity

Visual Brain Gravity is a producer and developer of concepts, products and brand experiences.

Driven by vision.



Special Feature issues

Special Feature issues

Self-curation experiment coupled with minimalist interviews with people in the design industry I admire.

By invitation only



Netdiver Mag is sweet

Terrific product or service or event and wanna reach a fabulous international audience?

Advertise with us
Coming soon



Netdiver Best of the Year

Best Of The Year (BOTY)

Netdiver Best of the Year is a yearly compilation of projects / talents who made a lasting impression the previous year.

/ 2016 edition



Netdiver Vintage

Netdiver Vintage edition

What was new in design worldwide—sort of a very unofficial record of web history as captured from {1998 - 2007}.

Over 2.3k+ projects.



Netdiver static

Walk down memory lane: hand-coded news in design from 1998-2008.



Netdiver Mag is sweet

Terrific product or service or event and wanna reach a fabulous international audience?

Advertise with us
Dates soon.



Check what inspires me? Follow my Pinterest.