RGDT / book
Regular Graphic Design Today. Editors: R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, A. Mollard
My notes on key statements excerpted from the foreword:
Nowadays designers like to combine three different stylistic tools – for ex photography – typography – patterns (illo) – to create complex works.
Create a very personal impression on observers / visitors.
Underlying? The need to ‘humanize’ the result. Although you can’t see me – there is still a real person behind this piece.
Economic hardships lead to creating greater value = reducing superficiality.
‘Authorship’ means that designers are increasingly creating all components of their designs (images, fonts) themselves. This happens to such an extent that posters, small portfolios and magazines are being produced and published entirely by the designers themselves. Distributed via Internet / mail.
Develop your own design profile / target a signature collection / your own trademark approach. For years I have spoken about the ‘Online the Brand is You’ principle. Treating yourself as a product (not in a dehumanizing sense / but w/ literal objectivity) to achieve expressing uniqueness of talent = your signature.
Sometimes clients w/ approach bc of personal work.