Netdiver Mag

/ Surfacing the creative culture
since '98

I need Sugru

What the heck is Sugru? The world’s first mouldable glue that sets strong, by turning into a durable, flexible silicone rubber.


In a saturated market how do you convey that a product is an innovative – a simply out of this world smart solution (we all need!)??

Animade designed + animated The Fixer’s Manifesto – with funny captions to show what the product is about and drive its uniqueness to consumers.

If it’s broken, fix it!

Give your stuff a longer life

Embrace the stuff we already have.


The Fixer’s Manifesto is free and available for download.


ndlr: Wow oh wow oh wow – I need some creative solutions to hang / fix stuff around the studios – ah! and the Rebel Tech Kit comes with a booklet + a remover tool.

And on sale now!

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