Netdiver Mag

/ Surfacing the creative culture
since '98

Brydge me up

In the past couple of months I have been experimenting w/ photo apps and am now considering buy an iPad to take photo editing further. Nevermindus shooting w/ an iPad – but syncing w/ my iPhone library – would enhance tenfold w/ the larger view port – to export back to workstation in a digital pictureshow project I’m currently working on.

The only down side? Hate the inscreen keyboard. So a couple of weeks ago found the NoteBookCase for iPad 2 (3 to be released mid-May – but only available in Japan). Was pretty excited by the product until I saw this one. Ooooh!

Brydge a full-sized aerospace-grade aluminum keyboard with optional stereo speakers, connects to your iPad using a patent-pending hinge. You can pre-order on Kickstarter.


Shake Test is selling me.


via: Taxi

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