Netdiver Mag

/ Surfacing the creative culture
since '98

Building a (new) beginning

I am currently head over heels in preparing my very first art portfolio and because of iOS way of cataloguing the camera roll – (I work with 3 devices each with its own directory) – I collated new work in individual folders as back up..

Leaving me with a massive task to do: reconciling, sifting and deleting all duplicates.

From 55k down to 10k just for my iPad Pro. Still got 7k+ from iPhone + iPad mini to sort after the 10k are done. View my art feed.

So for now – I am minimizing my editorial activities to a strict minimum.

Netdiver Mag is on hiatus.


Meanwhile – don’t wait – be inspired via podcasts to kickstart your creative or art projects:

40 best creative podcasts to liven up your commute via Sarah McHugh


The Best Art Podcasts to Listen to in Your Studio via Stef Thiele


My Top 5 Favourite Agency Podcasts via Lucy Snell


Must read – sneak peek via .pdf:

Company of OneWhy Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business) by Paul Jarvis

Helps you determine enough (instead endless chasing more).


Top illustration: Source unknown

Going on an Art furlough

_Going on Art furlough_

Netdiver Mag will be on hiatus until mid-March /18. I am embarking in a most exciting phase of my life: preparing an exhibition worthy portfolio of both generative arts + abstract & plus fluid art paintings.

On top of that – 3 print portfolios to showcase paintings + generative art to gallery owners.

A lot and lots of work ahead.


As you can see in the staging above – the orientation of renders is pretty much left to the taste of the buyer.

Follow my journey on /iG.


I use an _honor system_ to sell my art: in love with one or to gift someone? DM/ and make me a fair offer (pricing do not include shipping & handling).

All renders available to download as hires to print locally. Gift Art now!


Just Like Cake – 11 x 14 canvas – fluid art

Netdiver mag is MOVING!

Netdiver mag is MOVING!

Not our iRL studio but to a spanking new zoom-zoom-zoom dedicated server.

The transfer will be done quietly in the background.. hopefully no hiccups.

See ya’ all soon.


14:41 – transfer OK.

via: Illustration by Michael Driver – who submitted this image to the D&AD/Wetransfer brief and found out that he had made the cut and awarded a D&AD pencil in 2015.

Netdiver static + Editorials sections

Have I got news for you!


I am really pleased to announce the release of two new vintage sections on Netdiver. I compiled all editorials I wrote into a directory (including some interviews I did through the years).

Although written a good while ago – surprised at how relevant these are still today.

Editorials by Carole Guevin

Editorials. Design topics or issues that have impacted me or our creative industry..

Over 50 articles.


Sometime ago – someone inquired about the old news archives – the ones that were static – lol. Yep from 98-08 Netdiver was hand-coded.

It took longer than I thought the re-aggregate the content into our site design – but all done now.. and online. A legacy to the early web.

I am in the midst of revisiting links (years 04-08 to do) so – never mind broken links – the content is enough. Follow our web history from the very beginning..

Netdiver static

Netdiver static. Walk down memory lane: archived news in design from 1998-2008.

Start beginning

Start in 2008


source image: Formatmag

Crown Mickey by Medicom. Found on Yahoo JP (1,008 Yen = (approximately) 9.10 US$


Collector’s item on Ebay.

Netdiver mag wishes

It’s that time of the year again. One going and the other almost here. Netdiver Mag offers you wishes of peace – inspiration – creativity and new challenges for 2017.

See ya January 10!


ndlr: Cool photo montage by Alexander Kent

LA Gifathon + ND

JUMP! Exactly what I need to continue doing – jump – jump – jump till you hit the mark (goal – dream). Never give up!


This am – Netdiver mag co-founder – partner – husband – BFF is undergoing surgery. Until December 8 – I will be on in-house nurse + cooking chef + whatever BFF duties he needs.


via: LA Gifathon (you must watch the video) by James Curran.

On hiatus

Hello everyone super announcement to make: starting now – Friday May 27 through Sunday June 5 – feed will be suspended as I will be in a music composing + recording session for our upcoming album Changing.

We are all beautiful minds – (waabm) on Soundcloud.

See y’all on the other side.

Search for inspiration and/or talent in Netdiver Mag.

pinterest / medium / linkedin / X / rss

/ Tools we use


Affinity suite

Affinity Suite

Our little studio owned Adobe Master Suites—invoking security issues our perpetual licenses were nulled. Undone? No!

I can open all .pdf, .psd or .ai files in the Affinity apps and the UI/UX is so gorgeous!

See for yourself: test the Affinity suite. Works on all platforms + iPad for—6 MONTHS FREE!



Proton Mail

Proton Mail

Connected to the internet's origins, building the internet of the future. We’re building ways to help everyone fight for privacy online. I am a big fan of their services.

Try a month free!





What a strange name for an independent Internet privacy company. Contrary to G/ who records every instance of their services useage with DDG, no recording of your data, EVER!!!

We use it everyday.



Obsidian app


This private (free) app I use daily for taking notes or writing. Back up to the cloud for multi-devices access. Runs locally.

Deep and complex.



Carole's Instagram

I paint abstract with pretty colours ~ I play with mobile apps to create unique generative art.

Look 'Ma no AI.

feed your eyes



Communication Arts

Communication Arts 24-25—calls for entries.

Interactive — October 25/24
Illustration — Jan 10/25
Photography — March 7/25
Design — May 2/25



Smashing Mag

The Smashing Conferences explore real-life projects, workflows and hands-on insights.

SmashingConf - Antwerp
Upcoming: Oct 28-31/24

SmashingConf - Workshops
Online: check dates.




AIGA call for submissions

AIGA’s competitions celebrate exemplary design and demonstrate the power of effective design.

50 Books | 50 Covers: February 26 / 24

365: AIGA Year in Design February 26 / 24


Alt Summit

Alt Summit 2024.

It is a conference and a community of thousands of women influencers and entrepreneurs in creative fields.

Upcoming: March 17-20 / 24




YouWorkForThem — Good design needs good fonts! YWFT is privately owned and run by designers.

Rocking it since 2001.

/ Highlighted talents


They LUV design! #13

Mind-blowing visual feats and original designs I recently discovered.

Previously: #12 - #11 - #10 - #9 - #8 - #7 - #6 - #5 - #4 - #3 - #2 - #1



They LUV drawing! #3

Illustration is probably the largest creative area to express (mostly without words) a message.

Previously: #1 - #2



A type of Show #5 – I love typography - these projects caught my eye.

Previously: #4 - #3 - #2 - #1



Moodboards #1 – Branding collaterals staged and served with conceptual brilliance.


/ About us?


A little (www) Story. In 1995, JF and I started a little project — Netdiver mag.



Editorials by Carole Guevin

Editorials. Design topics or issues that have impacted me and/or our creative industry. .

Over 50 articles.



Kuvva interview

Kuvva interview

A short interview on how to build a strong portfolio + self-promotion.


Netdiver Mag

#ISSN 1911-866X

Carole Guevin

Carole Guevin is a founder + editor + design curator ∞ culture creator + online pioneer ∞ featuring the creative culture since '98.


No hype — just beautiful

Reach my inbox °


Netdiver review galleries

/ Design inspiration

Netdiver long-standing mini visuals (200 x 115 px) galleries. Each lead to its review. Happy talent discovery!




/ Illustration

Vast array of drawing styles
404 reviews




/ Imaginative

Conceptual designs standing out
358 reviews




/ Industrial

Products / packaging design / spaces +
333 reviews




/ Motion

Brilliant storyboards / motion / vfx
286 reviews




/ Photography

Some of the sharpest eyes shooting today
210 reviews




/ Portfolios

New wave of design / interactive / mobile stars
552 reviews




/ Powagirrrls

Women who rock the design scene with _more_ than pink design
391 reviews

/ Insider info


Visual Brain Gravity

Visual Brain Gravity is a producer and developer of concepts, products and brand experiences.

Driven by vision.



Special Feature issues

Special Feature issues

Self-curation experiment coupled with minimalist interviews with people in the design industry I admire.

By invitation only



Netdiver Mag is sweet

Terrific product or service or event and wanna reach a fabulous international audience?

Advertise with us
Coming soon



Netdiver Best of the Year

Best Of The Year (BOTY)

Netdiver Best of the Year is a yearly compilation of projects / talents who made a lasting impression the previous year.

/ 2016 edition



Netdiver Vintage

Netdiver Vintage edition

What was new in design worldwide—sort of a very unofficial record of web history as captured from {1998 - 2007}.

Over 2.3k+ projects.



Netdiver static

Walk down memory lane: hand-coded news in design from 1998-2008.



Netdiver Mag is sweet

Terrific product or service or event and wanna reach a fabulous international audience?

Advertise with us
Dates soon.



Check what inspires me? Follow my Pinterest.