Netdiver Mag

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since '98


Design a cover for Guy Kawasaki’s new book a print design project is stirring a cloud of reactions around crowdsourcing and spec work. Not familiar with topic, check No!Spec website.

Debbie Millman (current AIGA president) got my attention with this tweet:

“The value proposition for crowd-sourced spec work is such: client gets limitless choice, designer gets privilege of providing choice. Hmm.”

Retweeted this post by Zerofee (an ethical design agency based in London, UK)

@debbiemillman I’m not sure ‘designer’ is a term yet earned by those taking part in spec work processes, is it?

And Zerofee answered my retweet:

@netdivermag I think @debbiemillman’s position on crowdsourcing is that it is spec work – in other words, unacceptable.

And Debbie Millman answered back:

@netdivermag Spec work takes advantage of designers by asking them to work for free until (or if) the client deems work worthy of payment.

Then Icograda suggested this:

@debbiemillman @netdivermag someone should tell @guykawaski this! Seen his book cover brief?

Privately, Michael Urman DM this:

“Not sure if you’ve been following this ‘contest’ thread. Guy Kawasaki has posted a book cover contest.”

Which I read from top to bottom. Do welcome your opinion and before you do, please read it too, so you acquire perspectivve in ref with some of the reactions.

Now, and as Andrew Cohen says:

“Wait we are talking about spec AGAIN?”

Guess we are.

So what do you think?


Featured: Julie Lockwood entry

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